Comune di Macerata

Sei in:  Home , City , Culture , Palazzo Ricci Art Gallery
Ultimo Aggiornamento: 10/08/13

Palazzo Ricci Museum

una sala di palazzo ricci

1, Via Domenico Ricci

Opening time

Tuesday and Saturday, 4.30 pm. to 6.30 pm.,

subject to prior arrangement
Tel. + 39 0733261487/84
Fax + 39 0733247492




The "Palazzo Ricci” Museum is a wide collection of contemporary arts which is still growing. It is one of the richest and most complete in Italy, hosting about 300 works, exhibiting paintings and sculptures of the most important artists of the XX century.

The building’s furnishings in Louis XIV Style to the Regency Style present some complementary properties of this residence, recovered through meticulous research. For example, the pair of tempera painted consoles from the first half of the XVIII century, the small salon with a sofa and four armchairs, carved and gold gilded and an oil painted linen chest, again of the XVIII century, with two coats of arms within a spiral decorated frame.


Comune di Macerata piazza Libertà, 3 - 62100 Macerata
tel. 0733-2561 fax 0733-256200
e-mail istituzionale (solo per i titolari di PEC):
P.I. 00093120434 - C.F. 80001650433